"I’m writing a story and use the Internet to look up how quickly hemlock can kill a person...and then an hour later, I’m looking at funny dog videos. The internet has seduced me away from getting my writing done. Has this happened to you? Maybe this tip will help.
"The tip is: Turn your internet off. My router is next to my
computer, so when I know I would rather surf than write, I reach over and turn
it off. If I want to look something up, I can turn it back on, but it takes a
minute or two to boot up, which is usually enough time for me to acknowledge
I’m trying to avoid writing.
"If your router isn’t close by, there are several programs
for your computer that will turn off your internet for a specified amount of
time. Programs such as InternetOff, Anti-Social, Freedom and several others are
available. Some of them are even free. They will all help you keep your writing time for writing."
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