Dragon Rider Chronicles, Book Two
by Wendy Blanton
Aithne’s dream has come true. Years of hard work are rewarded when she is Chosen by the dragon, Saphir. Two final steps remain to complete their bond…
First, she must undertake a quest to find a stone that will become the beacon that connects her to Saphir.
Once the beacon is completed, Aithne must choose a random place and summon Saphir to her. The process will bond them for the rest of their lives.
But her stone quest doesn’t go according to plan. An unexpected assault awakens magic she didn’t know she had, worse still, she doesn't know how to control it.
She learns of a potential ally, but the price of their help is steep. It means venturing alone into an unfamiliar land, a land fraught with unknown dangers. Even Saphir, her trusted companion, must stay behind, or her quest will fail. The stakes are high, and the consequences are disastrous for Aithne and for Slan.
Dragon Riders Chronicles, Book One
by Wendy Blanton
An ancient curse keeps men in fear of dragons, so only women can ride them in Slan while only men can perform magic. As a necromancer from beyond the edge of the known world threatens invasion, Briant appears, a young man who loves dragons. Wybren Tanwen must decide: Is Briant the dragonborn, the answer to prophecy? Will he save Slan?
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by Wendy Blanton writing as Elizabeth Joy
Forced from her home, Sieger faced a long road paved with lies and manipulation. Desperate, she did the only thing she could: She turned the tables on her enemies and forged her own fate.
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Sword & Scabbard
by Wendy Blanton writing as Elizabeth JoyWhen Nyakas killed his father to protect his wife and son, he wasn't thinking about the consequences. Because Malitor was a Divine Steward, Nyakas had two choices: take Malitor's seat or defend himself against those who wanted it. Reluctantly, he and Robyn have moved to Mhovan Rosk. He knows that the other Divine Stewards have their own agendas, but it is not until he arrives that he realizes how corrupt the council is. When his advisors discover a hidden prophecy, the solution to the corruption becomes clear, but it may come at a price none of them are able to pay.
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by Wendy Blanton writing as Elizabeth Joy
A young army officer, heading a team in search of missing CIA agents, is captured by intergalactic slave traders. Her team is sold to a man who is much more than he seems.
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